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On Track: EndNote for reference management (Online) Online
EndNote is the University’s free, recommended and supported reference management tool.
EndNote will save you valuable time by removing the manual labour associated with creating and formatting references. You can now access the fully-featured desktop software and manage your EndNote library from multiple computers including your personal device.
This training is delivered on a Windows device using the latest version of the desktop software.
Getting EndNote: Staff and Students of the University of Essex have free access to the software. Visit the Software Hub (login with your Essex credentials) and search for EndNote then follow the instructions (Mac users will be re-directed to a downloads page). If it’s your first time using the Software Hub, visit our web page for instructions on how to use it.
Essex students: book your place here!
We encourage students to book onto our workshops via CareerHub in order to keep a record of their learning.
Don't have access to CareerHub? You can register below.
Related LibGuide: Skills at Library by Oona Ylinen