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Reading List Training Session In-Person

The library’s reading list team are hosting a training session to support academic staff with updating and publishing their reading lists for the academic year 2024-25. This session will take place on Wednesday 11 September from 11:00 to 12:00 in the Library Learning Room in the Albert Sloman library (Ground Floor) and is an opportunity for library staff to show you how the university’s reading lists system, Talis, works and what you need to do to get your reading lists ready for 2024-25. This is also an opportunity for you to ask specific questions or to raise problems you’ve encountered when trying to update and publish your reading lists. Library staff will be providing on-screen demonstrations and can offer guidance about best reading list practices.
We intend to spend approximately 45 minutes demonstrating with 15 minutes at the end for Q&A.
The main areas we can offer support and guidance with are:
1.       Adding sections to your reading list(s) to create the appropriate structure.
2.       Adding resources to the sections of your reading list(s) to indicate what students should read.
3.       Setting the importance for essential items.
4.       Adding student notes to resources where necessary (e.g. chapter information, guidance on resource).
5.       Publishing the reading list to make it visible to your students and so the library can ensure all the resources are available.
6.       Integrating the published reading list into the associated Moodle page.
7.       Encouraging your students to consult the reading list for their readings.
We will be available for the full hour so please feel free to drop-in throughout the session. You can also consult the library’s reading lists help guide available on the library website, or email the library at libline@essex.ac.uk with reading list questions, if you cannot make this session.

Please do bring your laptops/devices if you would like to follow along, we will have members of the team on hand to help you with any queries as we go through the session.

Wednesday 11 September 2024
11:00 - 12:00
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
Library Learning Room

Event Organizer

Beth Burnet

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