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Recognising and rewarding open research

Recognising and rewarding open research Online

The importance of open research is widely accepted by many in the research ecosystem with touted benefits for research impact, integrity, reproducibility. Democratising research through open research is widely valued. But are we lagging when it comes to recognising and rewarding the work done by the wide range of researchers, research enablers and others involved in the culture of research? In this session we hear from three experts in the space of embedding institutional reward and recognition practices.

Karen Desborough from the UKRN’s OR4 project will discuss its community of practice - a largescale national initiative to reform how open research is recognised and rewarded in researcher assessment. Delphine Doucet will from the University of Sunderland will discuss their institutional engagement with the OR4 community of practice and Georgina Endfield from the University of Liverpool who will discuss the institutional changes underway through Project Thrive. 

Speakers: Dr. Karen Desborough, Dr. Delphine Doucet, Prof. Georgina Endfield

Dr. Karen Desborough, Research Culture Officer at Cardiff University is responsible for OR4 community of practice engagement and content review as part of the UK Reproducibility Network’s Open Research Programme.

Dr. Delphine Doucet, Research and Scholarly Communications Librarian at the University of Sunderland is responsible for the University of Sunderland’s engagement with the OR4 project’s community of practice.  

Prof. Georgina Endfield, Associate Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research Environment and Postgraduate Research at the University of Liverpool works together with a team of people on Project Thrive which considers research environment, excellence and inclusivity.

Related LibGuide: Open Research by Tom O'Toole-Mills

Tuesday 25 February 2025
10:00 - 11:00
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Academic Staff     Postgraduate - Research     Public  
  Open Research Week  
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Event Organizer

Profile photo of Hannah Crago
Hannah Crago

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