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Hidden Gems from the Archive with AM: from microfilm to digital (In person) In-Person
Come along to find out how the Library’s subscription to AM (Adam Matthew) Digital can help you with your studies, work, and research! We have a number resources accessible via AM so this is a great opportunity to see what’s available to you and how you can make the most of it!
Adam Matthew specialise in digitising primary source documents from libraries and archives around the world creating themed archival collections. Documents range from the early modern era to the 21st century, and span a diverse range of subject areas, making AM Digital a tremendous resource for student and staff research projects in the humanities and social sciences.
Essex students: book your place here!
We encourage students to book onto our workshops via CareerHub in order to keep a record of their learning.
Don't have access to CareerHub? You can register below.
Related LibGuide: Skills at Library by Clarissa St Yves